Gantry cranes are commonly used in many industrial applications. These are commonly 4 way, but can sometimes be only 2 way. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with maximum capacity anything from only 1 tonne, to over 100 tonnes. They can be operated by a pendent, or by using a remote control transmitter. There are also a number of types of hoist. These can be static, jib, or pillar jib types. Whatever your type of overhead crane we can offer the training you need.
Course content:
- Legal obligations including HASAWA, PUWER, LOLER
- Basic crane terminology
- Selection of slings, and safe methods of slinging
- Load types and dealing with problem loads
- Precautions and crane signals
- Theoretical course content and summary theoretical knowledge testing
- Practical skills testing
Course Duration:
Course duration will vary dependent on type of machine used, number of candidates, and complexity of operation, but will usually be between 1 and 2 days.
Number of candidates limited to 4 per course for novice operators, and up to 6 per course for candidates undertaking refresher training.